Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why I Decided to Enter the Teaching Profession - 1020 Words

Assignment #3 Why enter teaching profession? It is work –related purpose to enter the Provincial Instructor Diploma Course. I am part-time instructor assistant for Deaf and Hard of Hearing program (DHH) at Vancouver Community College. I have worked with varied students – deaf, hard of hearing, deaf with disabilities. All of those adult students from full diversity of different sector and different religions in existing country. Not only that, some of students are fortunate enough to have already attended schools for the deaf in their home countries, and others may have had no education at all and arrive knowing gestures. Plus, those of whom from different countries and various education backgrounds from beginning to advance level in both American Sign Language and English. I find it challenge to work with deaf immigrant adults. Thus, I expect the course foundation of adult learning will help me better understanding of adult’s learning style, how to motive student’s learning, also memory and intellig ence. I have little experience in classroom teaching although I assist different instructors and sometime work with students one to one. Teaching is not my goal in near future but maybe later in 5 years. However, if I were to teach in future, my students would be absolutely deaf, hard of hearing, deaf and blind. Since my education background in business administrative and BA degree majoring in economics, I have strong good knowledge of business finance, economic, statistics,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Teaching Philosophy Statement1035 Words   |  5 PagesTeaching Philosophy Statement Teaching is a profession which allows one to influence many lives. It is because of this opportunity to touch lives that I have decided to enter the teaching profession. 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